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The Software Companies Everyone Should Know About, According To Digital Silk

pr - top software companies
Published in: PRWeb As the demand for software services and products grows, these companies are fast-emerging as industry leaders according to a global web design agency Digital Silk.
NEW YORK (PRWEB) OCTOBER 16, 2020 – Since the beginning of the COVID crisis, over 81% of companies have reported an increase in demand for one or more areas of their software and app development services, according to new research. The same research shows an increase in demand for digital products that facilitate and automate routine and other tasks. Global web design agency Digital Silk identified the top software companies to keep an eye on this year. The top software companies are:

1. Price2Spyprice2spy.com

Price2Spy's how it works section on the website's homepage Highly-specialized online tool, Price2Spy helps eCommerce professionals monitor, analyze pricing data, and reprice their products while saving up to 92% of costs related to manual price checks. Among the tool’s main features are the full-market overview, competitor monitoring, and automated price change alerts.

2. Coding Sanscodingsans.com

A screenshot of the Coding Sans, a software company everyone should know about, homepage, stating, "Need help to build your web application?" Coding Sans is a full-stack web development company building serverless web applications. The company was listed many times as one of the top software development companies in the last years and selected as a trusted Serverless developer partner. Coding Sans’ superpowers are its strong core team and the deep expertise in web application development with Angular and Node.js.

3. Atlantbhatlantbh.com

Atlantbh's homepage showing one of the software companies everyone should know about Atlantbh is a Sarajevo-based software development company, specializing in providing custom software solutions for businesses of all sizes. With over 20 years of experience, their clients include companies that are global leaders in their respective industries. They are dedicated to building trusted partnerships by providing support on an existing software project or creating a new product from scratch.

4. WeAreBrainwearebrain.com

The logo of WeAreBrain, one of the software companies everyone should know about WeAreBrain is a cutting-edge technology company and award-winning innovation consultancy with a growing client base in the US, Europe and Africa. The company enables clients to create and execute successful strategies and solutions for their digital transformation: from customer-centric design solutions to custom software engineering and AI-powered enterprise automation.

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