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Top 40 Website Speed Statistics

Your website speed impacts on the organic performance. Read these top 40 website speed statistics and optimize your website properly.

An infographic on stats regarding website speed. Featured image for website speed statistics

If you’re running a website for your business, you probably already know that its speed is a large factor in both ranking and user experience.

A few milliseconds difference in website load time can have a significant impact on the user experience (UX), the amount of leads you get and ultimately the number of sales made through your website.

The website speed statistics we listed in this article highlight how important it is to carefully consider all factors that impact your website load time and optimize them for best performance.

Website Speed Statistics

Experts continue to analyze how quickly websites load and how their load times influence consumer decisions.

Below, we listed stats showing how critical it is to optimize your website speed as well as some general website load time statistics:

  1. Website speed is among the top 20 ranking factors on Google.
  2. An average website loads its main page content in 1.3 seconds.
  3. 70% of consumers say that page speed impacts their purchasing decisions.

    A chart showing the percentage of consumers who say page speed impacts their purchasing decisions
  4. One second delay in page load time leads to 11% fewer page views.
  5. 21% of desktop users will leave a website at three seconds of delay in loading time.
  6. A business can expect to make 30.5 sales for every 1,000 visitors if its website loads in one second.
  7. A business can expect to make 10.8 sales for every 1,000 visitors if its website loads in 5 seconds or more.
  8. Websites that take a long time to load cost retail companies $2.6 billion every year in lost sales.
  9. Improving LCP (largest contentful paint) by 31% leads to 8% more sales.
  10. 18.7% of visitors landing on B2B manufacturing websites said they experienced pages loading too slow.

    A chart showing the percentage of b2b visitors who experienced slow pages
  11. Sweden is the home to the fastest websites in Europe with the average load time of 3.74 seconds. In second place is Finland with 3.84 seconds. Denmark and Latvia are in joint third place with 4 seconds.
  12. Turkey has the slowest-loading websites in Europe with the average load time of 10.22 seconds.
  13. Turkey also has the slowest load time on mobile devices with an average of 13.19 seconds.
  14. With 334.63 Mbps, Qatar has the highest average mobile internet speed.
  15. The global mean internet download speeds increased by close to 100% from 2020 to 2023 (from 24.8 Mbps to 46.8 Mbps).
  16. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has the fastest fixed broadband internet speeds with 291.85 Mbps.

Mobile Website Speed Statistics

Website load times aren’t the same on desktop and mobile. And with over half of global traffic coming from mobile devices today, optimizing your website for best mobile performance is extremely important.

This is displayed the best in the following mobile website speed stats:

  1. 54.67% of global traffic comes from mobile devices.
  2. In the U.S., 32% of traffic comes from mobile phones.
  3. 58% of mobile users in the U.S. expect a mobile website to load in under three seconds.
  4. 53% of visitors will abandon a mobile website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

    A chart showing the percentage of visitors who abandon a mobile site if it takes more than three seconds to load
  5. The probability of bounce goes up by 32% as a mobile page load time increases from one second to three seconds.
  6. If a mobile website takes over ten seconds to load, the probability of a visitor bouncing increases by 123% in comparison to a one-second load time.
  7. 28% of users say they wouldn’t wait over 5 seconds for a web page to load on mobile.
  8. Conversions go down by up to 20% for every second it takes to load a mobile page.
  9. 54% of people say that their frustration grows as the mobile website load time increases.

    A chart showing the percentage of people whose frustration grows as mobile website load time increases
  10. Users who have negative experiences on a mobile website are 62% less likely to make a purchase.
  11. A 0.1 second increase in mobile site speed can increase conversion rates by 8.4% for retail stores and 10.1% for travel sites.
  12. Google considers the best practice for mobile web pages to load in under 3 seconds.
  13. Google considers the best practice for mobile web servers to respond in 1.3 seconds.
  14. Google considers the best practice for mobile web pages to have fewer than 50 individual pieces of content.
  15. Google considers the best practice for mobile web pages to be less than 500KB.
  16. On 70% mobile landing pages Google analyzed, it took up to 7 seconds to fully load all visual content.
  17. 73% of mobile users in China expect a website to load in under three seconds.
  18. In 2018, the average load time for a mobile page was 15.3 seconds.

Web Page Elements Speed Statistics

Some page elements impact website speed more than the others.

The stats we listed below will help you get a better idea of what could be slowing your website down and what changes you could make to improve its speed:

  1. Reducing a website size can improve its load time by 50%.

    A chart showing how much load time can improve when website size is reduced
  2. Sizing images properly before uploading them can increase a web page load time by 1.54 seconds.
  3. 10% of web pages could save 1MB by compressing images.
  4. As the number of elements (text, titles, images, etc.) goes from 400 to 6,000, the probability of conversion decreases by 95%.
  5. 50% of users say they’d rather miss out on video or animation if it means the website will load quicker.
  6. GIF images make up for 54.7% of all images on the web, making them the most common type of images on the internet.
Need help optimizing your website? Digital Silk offers on-page and off-page SEO services. Request a quote

Improve Your Website Speed With Digital Silk

The website load time stats listed in this article show just how important it is to have a website that loads fast.

It’s important to remember that there are a number of factors that influence the speed of your website and tackling the right issues could maximize its load time and result in more sales for your business.

Digital Silk offers Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services and can help you optimize your website for best speed.

We’ll help you identify improvement opportunities and create strategies that will increase your organic reach and ultimately lead to more sales.

We also offer other services, including:

Contact our team, call us at (800) 206-9413 or schedule a free, custom consultation with one of our experts by filling in the Request a Quote form below.

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Matt is a seasoned IT professional with nearly two decades of experience in product development, strategy, and system architecture. His commitment to transforming businesses and enhancing their digital presence has led to strategic initiatives that consistently exceed client expectations. Matt has been instrumental in launching successful projects for leading global brands, significantly advancing their objectives and revenue. Drawing on his experience as a full-stack engineer, Matt navigates complex technical challenges with ease. He stays ahead of industry trends, fosters a collaborative work environment, and mentors teams to success. His strategic approach and diverse expertise in business and technology enable him to deliver innovative solutions and tangible results in demanding situations.

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